After a big fight with her boyfriend, Tessa moves across states and changes schools. She is done with her old life, including her beloved and annoying boyfriend, Benjamin.

Settling down isn’t so easy at first, but she manages to make new friends and even meets a new guy. Life is good, and she’s learning to love again.

In a beautiful twist of fate, Ben shows up at the front of her class to declare his love for her. Long-buried emotions start to resurface. But she is not sure she can survive another heartbreak.

That is, until Calum, singer and sweetheart, asks her to be his girlfriend.

When Ben moves to New York, it’s with only one intention: to get his girl back. But different surprises await him at his new school.

The girl he knew before is no longer the same. His girlfriend now has new friends and a new guy. She wants nothing to do with him. All efforts from him to get her back are futile. She’s determined to keep her heart safe from this heartbreaker.

Ben has never been one to give up easily. But with a new guy threatening their second chance at happiness, does he stay back to fight or lose Tessa forever?




Book 3 of 3 in The Bad Boy Trilogy

In the final instalment of the bad boy trilogy, Ben learns the hard way that secrets are never meant to stay hidden forever. With the love of his life gone, all thanks to him, he must embrace his past in hopes of a better future while trying to reconcile with his messy present.

Will he be able to salvage his relationship with the only girl he ever loved? Or, has the Benessa ship sailed for good?

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Paperback, e-Book


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