(2 customer reviews)

For years, the prince has been told about the destructive nature of witches. As heir to the throne, he expects to be mated to a werewolf as powerful as him to continue the extinction of witches. But years have passed since he discovered his wolf and there are still no signs of his mate.

When he stops his mother from hitting one of the palace slaves, his wolf stirs in recognition. The one he was searching for is right there with him, but she is everything he has been taught to hate. A witch and a slave.

“The stench of a slave never escapes them,” so his mother says.

As secrets begin to unravel, truths that could shake the core of his existence are unearthed. Will the crown prince be able to make the tough choice between love and duty?


I was born a slave.

Every year since the crown prince turned eighteen, five slaves are invited to his birthday ball in the palace. One slave is freed and welcomed to the kingdom. The other four are killed.

This year, I was invited to the ball.

I don’t want to die.

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Serialized fiction.


  1. Erin

    So far I am loving it and can’t wait to read more!!

  2. Terri Fuller

    Can’t wait for this book to come out! I’m very intrigued!!

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